I can give a case objective, fact-based opinions and insights before filing all the way through reporting and trial. Having an expert that can bring together all the facets of mechanical product performance, injury assessment, and foreseeability is crucial to a successful outcome.
Furniture Tip oVer
I was the primary author on a 2016 report to the US CPSC detailing the state of the safety in the furniture industry. For 5 years, I was the sole federal government representative to the ASTM group that wrote the safety standard for furniture that is now law. Recently I have worked with both plaintiff and defense in product liability cases, providing honest evaluations and thoughtful recommendations for moving forward.
Manufacturing and Design
Understanding the philosophy behind the design process for any product is critical to the safety of the end user, months or even years down the line. I have helped bring resources and insight to cases that the attorneys were unaware existed. I can assess a manufacturer’s design decisions from the earliest stage to provide opinions on whether they should have even made it to market.
Durable children’s products
Cribs, baby walkers, soft carriers, and several other products have cut and dry safety standards. But what about the products that fall between, or outside these categories? I have the expertise to synthesize the correct performance requirements and their rationale with the unique facts of a case or incident.
General Consumer Goods
There just aren’t that many hard legal requirements for consumer-grade products that cause injury or death for adults. However, there are copious resources and voluntary standards that apply to any given situation. I specialize in understanding the whole picture, from foreseeability to inherent defectiveness, to provide robust opinions that get stronger during cross examination.